In Person, Online classes are interactive. Yoga with Paige is not like watching a YouTube video or live stream. Preferably everyone’s camera is on so Paige can see and give personal attention. She will be instructing, observing, cueing movements and providing feedback based on individual bodies. Below are some tips to enhance the interactive experience.

  • Please arrive early to online yoga class. This allows class to start on time. Upon arriving early you can inform Paige of any concerns that may have arisen since last you spoke (i.e. headache, aches, pains, stressors). It also gives time to settle and prepare for mindful movements.

  • Zoom sessions are accessible about 15 minutes ahead of class time so if you attempt to join before that you will see a screen reading “Please wait, your meeting Host will let you in soon”. You are in the right place, just hold on.

  • Make sure Zoom Audio/Video is turned On as this is an interactive, in person class. I want to hear your questions as they arise. Don’t be shy, use your voice for clarity. I also want to see your body and alignment. If you do happen to have people home with you or a fur baby that likes to use it’s voice, you may want to turn your Audio off so you are not disruptive to the class.

  • Play around with your camera angle and the device you are using. I found it is best to have your device waist height or higher and slightly angled (prop it up on books, recipe holder or book shelf). You can use two cameras if you like, a front view of your mat and a side view of your mat. You can join with a laptop or desktop computer, phone or tablet.

  • Zoom sessions will be set to speaker mode, the person speaking will have the screen. You might want to take the time to familiarize yourself with changing your screen view (top right hand corner, when in meeting). You can change your view to see the speaker only or the entire class. You can also change to a virtual back ground (under settings) for more privacy.

  • Turn phone ringer and notifications on silent or put your mobile on flight mode.

  • You may want to put a sign on your front door ‘Yoga class in Session, Do Not Disturb’ come back (write the time available).

  • Depending on the thickness of your mat if you are practicing on hard wood flooring you may want to add a blanket or towel to lay on for relaxation. If you are practicing on carpet you may want to have a small rolled towel handy to support your wrists.

  • Have your strap, yoga foam, bricks, towel, balls, blanket and or eye pillow handy by you.

Yoga Props

If you don’t have a strap, use a belt, scarf, suit case strap, long sock, old nylons. If you don’t have yoga bricks use coffee tins, small storage bins, a chair or wide stool. If you don’t have a large rectangular yoga foam, use a thick folded blanket, towel, firm pillow or cushion. If you don’t have a yoga mat, use a towel but be very careful if on hardwood.